The DMSA Bill was passed into law in 2016, assented and gazetted in October 2017 with operational guidelines developed in March 2018. The Drugs and Medical Supply Agency (DMSA) is intended to bring a lasting solution to health commodities security in all the tertiary, secondary, and primary health care facilities in Katsina State. To support its take-off and smooth operations, MNCH2 supported the State Ministry of Health (SMoH) and its departments/agencies to finalise the Sustainable Drugs Supply System (SDSS) operational guidelines. To come out with robust operational guidelines, MNCH2 supported the SMoH and its agencies to embark on a study tour to Kano, Jigawa, and Bauchi States on the operationalisation of DMA. Further support was given for the development of take-off plan and one-year work plan of the DMSA.