Message from MNCH2
This important information dissemination event brought together stakeholders from the federal, state and local governments, civil society, traditional and religious leaders, donors and development partners to explore the issue of the federal government’s priority issue of One Primary Healthcare (PHC) per Ward.
The burden of disease profile in Nigeria indicates that more than 80 per cent of health conditions affecting citizens could be effectively managed at the PHC level.
Access to quality health services at the PHC level guarantees the wellbeing of the majority of citizens. Furthermore, a functional PHC Centre is best positioned to fast track the attainment of access to a minimum service package that could ensure Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
This learning event highlighted the Kaduna state’s journey of strengthening PHC through the One PHC Centre Per Ward approach under the Ward Health System.
The Ward Health System and Ward Minimum Healthcare Package (WMHCP) aims to improve and ensure access to sustainable, quality, acceptable, and affordable health services with the full participation of people at the community level and with the following objectives:
- To promote full and active community participation and ownership of community health interventions with sustainable, effective and efficient delivery of PHC services
- To improve access to quality health care and ensure equity
- To garner political commitment to PHC at the community and ward levels
- To reduce morbidity and mortality especially among the vulnerable
The MNCH2 team would like to extend a special thank you to all of the participants who engaged in thoughtful discussions and showed their dedication to implementing and sustaining the One PHC per Ward approach.
This report summaries the discussions and review of the event.