Dr. Salma Anas-Kolo brings to the MNCH2 programme over eighteen years of experience in Health Sector Development. She has experience in health sector policy formulation, strategic development, resource mobilization and implementation of various health programmes at international, regional and national levels. Her technical skills and expertise cut across Health Systems Strengthening with particular reference to PHC and Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, as well as prevention, treatment and care of HIV and STIs. Her most recent job in Nigeria was Director, Special Projects and Coordinator of the National Health Sector Response to the humanitarian crisis, Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria. She has served as the Assistant Country Representative/Head Reproductive Health/HIV, United Nations Funds for Population Activities (UNFPA), Nigeria, Deputy Country Director/Technical, Strengthening Nigeria’s Response on HIV/AIDS (SNR)/DFID, Family Health International (FHI), Country Officer, HIV/STIs, WHO in Sana’a, Yemen and also was the Honorable Commissioner of Health, Borno State, Nigeria. Dr. Salma has vast knowledge of the Nigerian health system, she is conversant with the social-cultural, ethical, religious and political issues in Northern Nigeria as they relate to the health of the woman, girl and child. Dr. Salma is the National Team Leader of the MNCH2 programme.